English 4th grade

Good morning!

How are you? As this week we are doing different activities related to environment, I suggest to play the following song and try to fill the gaps with the words that you are listening.

When you finish, I hope that you sing the song and you can also try to teach the song to your family. Are you in?

Here you have a pdf with the activity.

I miss you a lot!




Good afternoon everyone! How are you?

This week the school celebrates the first Jornades Mediambientals, so… here you have an activity to learn some vocabulary about the global warming.

Let’s start the week singing the song “Sing for the climate” and filling the gaps of the lyrics!

CS. Sing for the climate


El Gran Teatre del Liceu  ens ofereix aquests dies les òperes del Petit Liceu Aquí teniu la primera òpera que us enllaço perquè en gaudiu tota la família #elliceuacasa. Dijous tindreu més propostes operístiques.

Podeu aprofitar per conèixer més i millor el gran compositor d’aquesta òpera Gioachino Rossini

Guia Didàctica  (orientativa) 

També pots pintar el compositor 

El jove barber de Sevilla