English Workshop: FRUIT STICKS!

Our students love cooking and eating goodies, that’s why today we have decided to realize a new recipe.

We have been working how important is to eat healthy and during the playground time our breakfast is always fruit. This is the reason that today we have made fruit sticks.

To make our fruit sticks we have used bananas, grapes, strawberries, apples and apricots.

It was delicious! So yummy!


Let’s make a sweet potato pie!

Last week we made a sweet potato pie to celebrate the chestnut party. As you see, we had a lovely day, after that, we were able to share it with all the children and families of the school.

We hope they like it!

See you soon!

Cuinem xips d’albergínia.

Després de conversar sobre què podíem fer amb les albergínies, hem decidit transformar-les amb xips d’albergínia. Hem realitzat hipòtesis de com les hauríem de tallar i on les hauríem de cuinar. L’alumnat ha proposat realitzar-ne de tres mides diferents de prova, però que estaven gairebé… Llegeix més»