Projecte Erasmus + 2018-2020

La llengua és T-R-A-N-S-V-E-R-S-A-L

El projecte “La llengua és T-R-A-N-S-V-E-R-S-A-L” neix de la voluntat d’un equip de professors d’un centre formació d’adults de Girona, CFA GIRONA, per millorar les competències comunicatives de tots els alumnes del centre. És un projecte que té tres objectius bàsics:


1. Plantejar l’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la llengua com una eina transversal a totes les àrees del currículum, a partir d’unes pautes i criteris de seguiment i avaluació facilitats pels professors de llengua.
2. Organitzar intercanvis lingüístics fomentant l’aprenentatge entre iguals, l’autonomia i la competència d’aprendre a aprendre.
3. Implicar tot el personal i l’alumnat del centre en la millora de l’ensenyament i de l’aprenentatge de la llengua.


Per aconseguir-ho es parteix dels punts forts detectats: un alumnat motivat, multicultural i plurilingüe, un professorat fortament implicat amb l’escola i amb l’entorn social, i uns projectes d’ensenyament de la llengua consolidats. Malgrat això, el projecte haurà d’incorporar també les noves tecnologies i metodologies, la qual cosa s’aconseguirà, en part, gràcies a la formació que els docents rebran a través del programa Erasmus KA1.


The project “Language is T-R-A-N-S-V-E-R-S-A-L” is born from the will of a team of teachers of an adult’s school in Girona, CFA GIRONA, in order to improve the communication skills of all the students within the institution. After an analysis, it is necessary to give an impulse to the written language in a transversal way in the different subjects taught in the school and it is also essential to promote oral language through peer learning, that is, between students of cultural, age, educational programs and different subjects heterogeneity. In line with this starting point, a project is laid out with three basic objectives:


1. To propose the teaching-learning of the language as a transversal tool in all areas of the curriculum, based on guidelines and assessment criteria provided by the language teachers.
2. To organize linguistic exchanges in order to promote peer learning, autonomy and the learning to learn competence simultaneously.
3. To involve all the teachers and students of the centre in building on the teaching and learning of the language so as to boost the students’ results in all areas, levels and types of study.


To achieve this, we start from the strong detected points: motivated, multicultural and plurilingual students; a teaching staff which is strongly involved with the school and the social environment, and some consolidated language teaching projects. In spite of this, the project will also have to incorporate the new technologies and methodologies that will be achieved, in part, thanks to the training that teachers will receive through the Erasmus KA1 program.