Erasmus+ a l’Estelada!

L’escola L’Estelada comença a internacionalitzar-se, hem començat aquest curs a obrir l’escola per a mestres d’altres països d’Europa. Aquesta setmana de carnaval hem tingut dues mestres a la nostra escola dels Països Baixos, provenen de l’escola OBS de Plantage, de Houton i han vingut a veure com treballem la inclusió a L’Estelada, han pogut veure les aules de tota l’escola mentre estem fent classe, especialment de la comunitat de petits i mitjans. Ha estat una gran oportunitat per a conèixer el sistema educatiu neerlandès i compartir diferents visions i realitats en escoles d’altres països.

Les seves visites són el resultat del vincle establert amb la seva directora al novembre. Elles tenen un programa Erasmus per poder treballar un objectiu concret, la inclusió educativa.

Com ja sabeu, a l’Estelada estem molt compromesos amb la diversitat i a apreciar les diferències individuals, sabent que cadascú té les seves fortaleses i alhora el seu ritme d’aprenentatge. Per això potenciem els reforços, la codocència i els desdoblaments, com a mesures universals, així com els racons de treball de llengua, a primer, segon i tercer grau.

Han ressaltat el bon clima que es respira a l’escola, com ens dediquem a cada nen i nena i que els hi deixem el seu temps i el seu espai. A més a més, destaquen la nostra creativitat i com ens cuidem entre nosaltres. 

Ens ha encantat la seva visita!!!

Ara esperem les pròximes visites, mestres de Lituània i de Països Baixos.


The Estelada School is starting to internationalize; this academic year, we have opened the school to teachers from other European countries. During this carnival week, we had two teachers from the Netherlands at our school. They come from a school in Houton and have come to see how we work on inclusion at Estelada. They were able to observe classrooms throughout the school while we were conducting lessons, especially those of the small and middle communities. It has been a great opportunity to learn about the Dutch education system and share different perspectives and realities in schools from other countries.

Their visits are the result of the bond established with their director in November. They have an Erasmus program to work on a specific goal, educational inclusion.

As you already know, at Estelada, we are highly committed to diversity and appreciating individual differences, understanding that each person has their strengths and, at the same time, their learning pace. That’s why we promote reinforcements, co-teaching, and splits as universal measures, as well as language workstations in first, second, and third grades.

They have emphasized the positive atmosphere at the school, how we dedicate ourselves to each boy and girl, and give them their time and space. Furthermore, they highlight our creativity and how we take care of each other.

We have enjoyed their visit!!!

Now, we look forward to the upcoming visits from teachers from Lithuania and the Netherlands.