Our language assistant is great!

Hi everyone!

We met Lena one month ago and we are so happy to have her in our school! She is helping us in our classes and she prepares lots of fun speaking games for us!

This week we are celebrating Halloween! Lena told us about Halloween traditions in the United States and she prepared some spooky games for us!

We are having so much fun!

Hola a tothom!

Vam conèixer la Lena fa un mes i estem molt contents de tenir-la a la nostra escola. Ens està ajudant a les classes i ens prepara uns jocs ben divertits per practicar l’anglès oral.

Aquesta setmana estem celebrant Halloween! La Lena ens ha explicat les tradicions de Halloween dels Estats Units i ens ha preparat alguns jocs terrorifics!

Ens ho estem passant d’allò més bé!