Treasure Island

This February we are going to see Treasure Island in English at the theatre.

Learn these songs so we can sing with the actors.

Sailing on the Sea

(Jim Hawkins) Sailing on the sea

It’s a sailor’s life for me

On your ship you sail away

Always busy, no time to play

You work all night and sleep all day

A sailor’s life for me!

Sailing on the sea

It’s a sailor’s life for me

Sailing on the sea

It’s a sailor’s life for me!

(Long John Silver)Sailing on the sea

It’s a pirate’s life for me

You sail until you find a land

Where gold and silver lie in the sand

The work is hard but the company’s grand

A pirate’s life for me

Sailing on the sea

It’s a pirate’s life for me

Sailing on the sea

It’s a pirate’s life for me!


A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,

To see what he could see, see, see,

But all that he could see, see, see,

Was the bottom of the deep, blue sea, sea, sea


On The Hispaniola

(Chorus) Come on, let’s get ready x3

On The Hispaniola

Clean the ship and lift the anchor x3

On The Hispaniola


Raise the sails and fly the flag x3

On The Hispaniola


Climb the mast and look for land x3

On The Hispaniola



Now remember the instructions for our game, ‘The Pirate Captain’.

  • To the ship
  • To the island
  • Attention on deck…at ease
  • Scrub the deck
  • Shark attack!
  • Sick turtle
  • Periscope
  • Crow’s nest
  • The love boat
  • 3 men in a boat
  • Storm at sea
  • Walk the plank
  • Dig for treasure
  • Fly the flag

On the compass you can see the points: north, east, south and west.

Click on the compas to check if you remember.


Find the secret treasure by following the instructions. Good luck!

Now try this treasure hunt in the kitchen. Read the words on the left and click on the objects.

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