Escola: Christmas cards from the UK

We received some exciting packages from the UK this week. Inside there were lots and lots of Christmas Cards from our friends at Rustington Community Primary School!

It’s hard to imagine they have travelled so far!

We are putting the big group ones up to decorate our classrooms and taking the individual ones home to keep.

The children have worked very hard and sent us lots of snowmen and Christmas trees but absolutely no ‘tions’ or ‘caganers’!

Now we are going to send thank you videos.


Aquesta setmana hem rebut uns paquets misteriosament emocionants que venien des del Regne Unit. A dins hi havia un munt de postals nadalenques de part dels nostres amics de la Rustington Community Primary School.

Costa d’imaginar com han viatjat des de tan lluny!

Amb les més grans decorarem les nostres aules i ens en portarem a casa les individuals.

La quitxalla ha treballat molt i ens han enviat una pila de ninots de neu i d’arbres de Nadal, però de Tions o de Caganers... cap ni un! 

Ara ja ens estem preparant per enviar uns vídeos d’agraïment.

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