This Tuesday, February 27th, we celebrated English Day at our school.

We have done many activities, this year related to the theater: theatrical performances with natives for all the children in the school, storytellers for the little ones, activities about the musicals performed by Mr English and theatrical performances where the actors are our primary school students.

We had a great time!!

English department


Aquest dimarts, 27 de febrer, vam celebrar l’English Day a la nostra escola.

Hem fet moltes activitats, aquest any relacionades amb el teatre: representacions teatrals amb nadius per a tots/es els/les nens/es de l’escola, contacontes pels més petits, activitats sobre els musicals portades a terme per Mr English i representacions teatrals on els actors són els/les nostres alumnes de primària.

Ens ho vam passar genial!!

Departament d’anglès

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