Exposició «IA: Intel·ligència artificial» al CCCB

El passat dimecres 7 de febrer un grup de deu alumnes de 4t d’ESO va visitar l’exposició «IA: Intel·ligència artificial», coproduïda pel Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) i el Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)

L’exposició tracta sobre la… Llegeix més»

Dia de les dones escriptores

El passat 16 d’octubre l’alumnat de 2n d’ESO de l’IES El Vern va celebrar el dia de les dones escriptores creant auques, lapbooks i pòsters digitals sobre les escriptores més representatives de la llengua catalana, anglesa i castellana.

Durant les dues setmanes prèvies van estar fent recerques sobre la biografia de les autores més representatives de cada llengua per a conèixer la seva trajectòria literària i com la història les ha afectat en la seva carrera professional.


Presentaciones 2A- Día de las escritoras.pdf (1)-min

Presentaciones 2C – Día de las escritoras (1)-min

Presentaciones 2B- Día de las escritoras (1)-min



Do influencers earn too much money nowadays?

Following our Avancem methodology, 2n ESO students have recently had to answer this question in an Opinion Essay.

We have learned to express some facts and our opinions and arguments in an orderly and coherent manner. Students have worked on argumentative language and have developed their critical thinking.

You will find hereby some examples of their work:

Carolina Muntané

Nowadays, influencers earn a lot of money. Why do they earn too much money? Maybe they do some important work? The answer is simple.

First of all, no, their work isn’t more important than others, but they earn too much money because they make their income, they are their own boss.

Personally, I think that the correct question is ‘Why do doctors earn little money?’. They only earn 2,940 dollars in Spain in one month. I consider they should earn more money, because they save lives every day.

In conclusion, the problem isn’t that influencers earn a lot of money. The problem is doctors earn little money.

Laia Pérez

In my opinion, influencers earn a lot of money uploading photos and videos promoting a product or a project. They do little and earn much money. Marina Rivers earns 200,000 euros by promoting one phone and one product for the hair [etc.]

In conclusion, influencers earn much money when firefighters save lives.

Clàudia García

Normally, influencers earn 6,000 – 10,000 euros every time that they promote something. I think that this is too much money. Influencers that have 3 million followers earn 5,500 – 9,500 euros. If they have 600,000 follower, they earn 2,000 – 3,400 euros [etc.]. They social network that pays more money is TikTok.

To be an influencer you don’t need to study anything. This job earns more than other jobs like teachers, agents, mechanics, etc. This is unfair because the people that work with another job make more effort than influencers.

To sum up, I believe that influencers should earn less money than other jobs.


Guided tour through a Famous Museum in an English-speaking Country

As part of the Avancem Language Project  students of 2nd ESO have used several sessions to do some research about famous museums located in English-speaking countries. As a result, students have prepared a Google Presentation about one of them to implement their knowledge on journalistic… Llegeix més»

“I tu què en penses?”

Abans d’acabar el segon trimestre l’alumnat de 1r. d’ESO va participar en el projecte AVANCEM  “I tu què en penses”. Gràcies a aquest projecte han pogut expressar les seves opinions crítiques en tres gèneres argumentatius diferents: l’article d’opinió, el debat i la crítica d’un curtmentratge.
Aquí… Llegeix més»

El Vern, al Concurs Booktràilers de Legiland

L’alumnat de tercer de l’ESO del nostre institut està creant, des de l’àrea de català, en grup o individualment, booktràilers per participar en el concurs de Legiland. Hi haurà cinc premis repartits en diverses categories: el millor booktràiler, el millor guió, la millor… Llegeix més»