International Women’s Day: 3 ESO E Forum in the English Moodle

International Women’s Day on 8th March is a day to celebrate the social, economic and political achievements of women, reflect on progress and demand gender equality. For over a hundred years, International Women’s Day has put the spotlight onto issues affecting women all over the world. Today, International Women’s Day belongs to everyone who believes that women’s rights are human rights.… Llegeix més»

TEI 22-23 Impressions de l’alumnat de 1ESO

La Laia López i la Sira Martí de Primer d’ESO C ens expliquen el funcionament i la seva opinió sobre la primera trobada TEI entre 1ESO i 3ESO

“Primer ens vam conèixer una mica entre els dos cursos: ens vam saludar de diferents maneres per trencar el gel.

Després, amb unes targetes amb pistes, vam intentar endevinar qui podia ser el tutor o tutora de tercer que ens havia tocat. Vam aconseguir endevinar-ho bastant ràpid i va ser divertit!

Quan vam anar a la classe per parlar i coneixe’ns al principi va ser una mica incòmode, però al final ens vam anar obrint i coneixent-nos més.

En la nostra opinió va ser una experiència “xula”,  encara que al principi vergonyosa.

Pensem que els/les nostres tutors/es ens poden ajudar per saber com es fan les coses a l’institut i que això serà molt útil”.

3rd and 4th ESO students got to know Dorian

On Friday February the 3rd, 3rd and 4th ESO students finally got to know Dorian and her workmates. Students already knew that Dorian dreamt of becoming famous, going viral and having one million followers. But would Dorian betray her best friends in order to make her dreams come true ? Apart from Dorian, students had fun with Baz and Mr Stoffeles, the head of the mysterious  Department 666 where everything is possible.  A great show by the company IPA Productiions in Teatre l’Ateneu where students, Dorian, Baz and Mr Stoffeles spoke about their use of technology and socialnetworks nowadays.