Premi Nacional eTwinning 2023: “Creando espacios educativos”

Aquesta mateixa setmana hem rebut la carta de reconeixement i el correu oficial d’una notícia gratificant: el projecte “Creando espacios educativos” ha rebut el Premi Nacional 2023 en la categoria Multidisciplinar.
En aquest enllaç oficial es poden consultar els centres i docents premiats:
El… Llegeix més»

Our pen pals’ letters have already arrived !

The students of 1st ESO and English teacher Sara Vallès have been waiting a long time for the letters of our eTwinning Italian pen pals, but finally last week we received them! So these days the different courses of 1st ESO have been reading them. Everybody is happy to learn about their traditions!

B1 and B2 English Certificate

Students sitting for the B1 and B2 English exam at the EOI, Igualada

Most students from 4th ESO and 1st BTX who took the B1 and B2 official English exam at the EOI Igualada in May got the Certificate. During the school year, the English teacher Marta Fernández has worked with these students to prepare for the exam which officially recognizes the student’s competence in English at an upper-intermediate level in the European framework of foregin languages. Congratulations to all of them !!