L’Erasmus+ a Can Vilumara


L’Institut Can Vilumara treballa per a la possibilitat de la mobilitat transnacional d’alumnat i professorat. La mobilitat en els processos de formació és una estratègia fonamental que permet que les persones s’impliquin per millorar les seves habilitats professionals i personals, així com millorar la seva qualificació en el treball i en la seva competència lingüística.

El nostre centre porta 3 cursos participant del Projecte Erasmus Plus amb 17 alumnes.

L’alumnat gaudeix d’una beca remunerada per a una estada de dos mesos a un país estranger, fent pràctiques en una entitat col·laboradora.

Les estades s’han realitzat en aquestes ciutats europees:

  • Messina (Itàlia)
  • Pàdua (Itàlia)
  • Dublín (Irlanda)


Can Vilumara Secondary School works for the possibility of transnational mobility of students and teachers. Mobility in training processes is a fundamental strategy that allows people to get involved in improving their professional and personal skills, as well as their qualification at work and in their linguistic competence.

Our center has 3 courses participating in the Erasmus Plus Project with 17 students.

Students have a paid scholarship for a two month stay in a foreign country, doing internships in a collaborating entity.

Stages have been made in these European cities:

– Messina (Italy)

– Padua (Italy)

– Dublin (Ireland)


Aquí trobareu la Carta Erasmus del nostre centre:

Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)

Can Vilumara Secondary School is located in Hospitalet de Llobregat, a city to the immediate southwest of Barcelona. It has a heterogeneous population, with a wide range of social, cultural and economic characteristics. Vilumara School attends to 329 students of ESO, 111 of higher secondary-education and 490 of Vocational and Education Training (VET), the new school management team has decided to bet on different projects to motivate students and their respective families in the value of education.
They have launched several programs, among them is the experimental Group Multilinguistic GEP and the Erasmus +.

The Erasmus Charter will allow us to improve our teaching strategy through the transnational mobility of students and staff. It will also have a different perspective of the working world, different from the one we know in our country. It will provide the knowledge of other cultures and languages and obviously, it will enhance the personal and professional competences, which we consider relevant aspects in the training of students who will be given the opportunities to adapt to different situations and social contexts in the future.

If we have the chance of participating in a KA2 project “Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices”, it will allow the school staff to Exchange educational experiences with other European schools. That will boost the teacher’s pedagogic resources and improve their professional, social and intercultural capabilities. In short, it is a way of enriching the human resources of Can Vilumara High School.

The objectives that we establish for 2027 are:

– To maintain and/or increase the international mobilities of traineeships sending at least 6 or 8 students per year.
– To maintain or expand the school staff mobilities to get training by sending at least 1 or 2 people per year so as to improve their professional competences.
– Acquire experience in KA2 projects: Partnerships for Cooperation exchanges of practices.
– To develop cooperation with new partners in the same country where we are collaborating now, and other new countries in the framework of a clear strategy for internationalization.
– To promote and support student and staff mobility, especially for individuals with fewer opportunities
– To promote and facilitate the learning of foreign languages to our students and school staff partaking in Erasmus+ project.

These goals will be reviewed every two years, extending them as much as possible. Intern strategies and the Erasmus Self-Assessment tool will do this review of the Erasmus + objectives.

In order to promote that the experience spreads to the rest of the students and staff, we will prompt the students and staff who have participated in the experience that they present it to the rest of the education community of the school  Erasmus Charter is part of our strategy for modernization; also, it will allow us to open the door at the European dimension. This will facilitate increasing attainment levels for our students and staff. We
believe that mobility in training processes is a fundamental strategy that allows people involved to improve their professional and personal skills, as well as improving their employability and language skills. For this reason, Can Vilumara Higher School will promote mobility and cross-border cooperation.
We are committed to the mobility of students and staff as one of the fundamental tools for the updating of education and the improvement of education quality.

Our participation in the Erasmus project will contribute towards technologically modernising our institution because the school is adapted to the new ICT technologies, so that it has the necessary infrastructure in order to facilitate the proper follow-up with students who participate in the Erasmus project. To do this follow up, apart from using the sBid computer program that marks the Department of Education, the school will use the media such as the mail, video conference platforms or social networks to do follow-ups with the student and the mentor of the company.