Erasmus Day al Julio Antonio

Every year in our high school the Erasmus+ Day is celebrated on the 11th of October.

The last three hours of class, we prepared a series of activities to motivate the whole school to take part and help us embrace the Erasmus spirit. We started off watching 4 videos prepared by the Erasmus committee which explains all of the types of Erasmus that go on at our school. Many only know about the 3rd of ESO mobilities but it is important to know our other projects for FP, teachers training and future job-shadowings.

Furthermore, we wanted the students to take part in a workshop that was eco-friendly, using recycled materials to make banners to hang inside and outside the classrooms. These will be left until our next Erasmus in November when we host our ESO students from Italy and Germany.

Students were given a template to follow. Using their mathematical and artistic competences they have to draw and cut out their own templates and decorate with the Erasmus theme of inclusion, teamwork and respect. Each age group had a different drawing to complement their flags.

Subsequently, students had to work together by hanging the flags on string and decorate their classrooms and corridors.

To finish off such an amazing day, students gathered together in the playground to take an aerial photo spelling the word ERASMUS +. What an amazing experience it all was!

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