Social Sciences 1st ESO

We have started to work contents of Social Sciences in English in 1st level ESO A and B. Our first unit has been The Solar System and we have worked in groups. Every group has made a short Oral Presentation in English. We know that we have to improve a lot but… We have just started !!! You can see some photos and videos about the Oral presentations clicking the link. Photos and videos Oral Presentatios PLANETS 1 ESO

Social Sciences 1st ESO B in English

Com ja sabeu, els alumnes de 1r ESO B treballen una part de l’assignatura de Ciències Socials en anglès. Us deixem un vídeo en què podeu veure els nois i noies pintant vasos canopis, que eren els recipients on, a l’Antic Egipte, els embalsamadors hi dipositaven les vísceres del difunt. També podeu veure fotos clicant AQUÍ