Storytelling – 3rd of ESO

Storytelling is the art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story to an audience.

Audio storytelling (La Veu de Sant Joan) was our first draft and a great way to rehearse. After that, we were ready to roll!!

On Wednesday, April 28th, we read The Three Little Pigs to a very young audience: our elementary students in 1st and 2nd grades, together with their teachers.

We were delighted, learnt a lot of new vocabulary and had a wonderful time.

We even had a real rocking chair and a backstage. Each student got a copy of the book to take home and practise. At the end our English teacher read a book called Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman.

Here are some images.


If you want to read along with us, click on this video:

If you want to listen to the audiobook of The Three Little Pigs told by our students on the radio, click on this link:

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