eTwinning – what do we know about the Olympic Games?

Hello World!

As you may know, we are carrying out an eTwinning Project with different schools all over Europe. So far, we have created a video about our school and all the participants have also described themselves. It is difficult to meet all of our colleagues, but we are trying.

Today we have created a few Word Clouds about the Olympic Games so that we set the starting point of our learning process about the next competition that will take place in Paris during next Summer 2024.

Visita a l’Institut

Aquesta setmana els nois i noies de sisè han tingut la seva primera pressa de contacte amb l’Institut. Els infants, juntament amb els seus mestres, van visitar l’Institut Miramar ja que és el centre adscrit a la nostra Escola. Allà, l’equip educatiu del centre ens va ensenyar les instal·lacions i explicar una mica el funcionament.

Els nois i noies estaven molt emocionats i van fer moltes preguntes que els van ajudar a familiaritzar-se amb aquesta nova etapa.

Comencen a preparar-se per a un nou camí que, estem segurs, afrontaran amb energia, ànims, esforç i molta motivació!

Global Scholars: Food Security Issues in Viladecans

Hello again,

In Global Scholars (year 6), unit 3, we are learning and trying to solve some of the Food Security Issues that we can find in our town. We are investigating how cities can build sustainable food systems. We learn how city systems that provide food can reduce waste and discuss sustainable ways to improve food security for


Let’s cook!

In Global Scholars we have been preparing a few recipes to show our international pals some of our favourite dishes in our daily life.

Have a look at some of our recipes and, if you dare… Why don’t you try to prepare them at home?