ENGLISH (Activitat 10) /5-Maig-2020/: HOMEMADE MODELING CLAY

Today you are going to do three activities.
ACTIVITIES 1 and 2: go to the website https://www.liveworksheets.com/workbooks/index.asp
– Activity of the picnic basket. Listen and choose the correct picnic basket.
– Activity of the food groups. Watch the video and classify the food.
Username: name+segon
Password: 1234

ACTIVITY 3: you… Llegeix més»

ENGLISH (Activitat 10) /5-Maig-2020/: WHAT DO ANIMALS EAT?

Click the audio to start.

STUDENT’S BOOK, page 41 activities 1 and 2.
– Read the texts about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
– Do exercise 2. You have to correct the words in red. (Heu de corregir les paraules en vermell)
– If you want, you can… Llegeix més»

ENGLISH (Activity 9)/30-Abril-2020/: HEALTHY FOOD EXPERTS

Hello everyone!!!!
Today you are going to do two activities:
ACTIVITY 1: fer l’activitat que trobareu a l’enllaç
Quan acabeu apreteu a terminado, i seleccioneu enviar respuestas a mi profesora. I introduir el meu mail: rmart61@xtec.cat

ACTIVITY 2: mireu el vídeo d’aquí sota.
Quan l’acabeu de mirar, heu de… Llegeix més»

ENGLISH (Activitat 9) /30-Abril-2020/: HEALTHY FOOD EXPERTS

Hello everyone!
Today you are going to do two activities.
ACTIVITY 1: go to the website https://www.liveworksheets.com/workbooks/index.asp
Do the activity of the food.
Good luck!
Username: name+segon
Password: 1234

ACTIVITY 2: mireu el vídeo d’aquí sota.
Quan l’acabeu de mirar, heu de fer el que us he ensenyat al vídeo: agafar l’activitat de… Llegeix més»