ENGLISH (Activitat 10) /28-Abril-2020/: COVENT GARDEN IN LONDON

Good morning!

Today we are going to read an interesting text about COVENT GARDEN IN LONDON.

page 46
Unit 4, Lesson 8 
First you can listen the story about Covent Garden, and then read two or three time.

After reading, underline the new words for you. Look for this words on Internet, and write them in the same book.

Then you can do exercise two on the same page. You can do it on your book.

And if you want to learn more about London, you can watch the video called: Do you want to learn more about London? In the bottom of the page.


Primer podeu escoltar la història sobre Covent Garden, i després llegir un parell o tres de vegades. Després de llegir, subratlleu les paraules noves per vosaltres. Busqueu les paraules a Internet, i escriviu el significat al llibre. Després podeu fer l’exercici dos de la mateixa pàgina. El podeu fer al llibre.

I si voleu saber més sobre Londres, podeu mirar el vídeo que es diu: Do you want to learn more about London?


Happy Tuesday text on pink watercolor background.

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