ENGLISH (Activitat 12) /5-Maig-2020/: ORDINAL NUMBERS


Today you are going to do two activities.


ACTIVITY 1: watch the video. You are going to learn the ordinal numbers. After watching the video, record yourselves doing as I do in the video.

ACTIVITY 2: go to the website https://es.liveworksheets.com/fv75473xh
Do the exercise and send it to me when you finish it. My email is: rmart61@xtec.cat


*El que heu de fer a l’activitat 1 és agafar 10 joguines, ninots, cotxes…el que vulgueu, i gravar-vos explicant l’ordre de cadascun, tal i com jo he fet al video amb els pinta ungles. I quan acabeu pugeu el vídeo a la carpeta de Drive.


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