ENGLISH (Activitat 10) /5-Maig-2020/: HOMEMADE MODELING CLAY


Today you are going to do three activities.

ACTIVITIES 1 and 2: go to the website https://www.liveworksheets.com/workbooks/index.asp
– Activity of the picnic basket. Listen and choose the correct picnic basket.
– Activity of the food groups. Watch the video and classify the food.

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ACTIVITY 3: you are going to do homemade modeling clay (plastilina) with food! Watch the video and do it! Hope you like it!

DO IT WITH YOUR PARENTS!!!!!!! (Feu-ho amb els pares!)

* Podeu gravar un vídeo fent la plastilina i penjar-lo a Drive, explicant els ingredients que aneu posant.
* Poseu bastanta farina, si no es desfarà i se us enganxarà a les mans.
* Intenteu fer amb la plastilina la forma d’algun aliment, a veure si endevino quin és!
* Després del meu vídeo us deixo un vídeo de Youtube on expliquen com fer la plastilina i alguns trucs perquè no s’enganxi.


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