Superhero High!! English 4th level

Hi Gripaus and Centpeus  ? , how are you??

We are going to practice oral comprehension and some vocabulary (Practicarem la comprensió oral i vocabulari). SuperHero High is waiting for you…Lets’s Gooo! (L’escola de superherois us esta esperant, som-hi!!)

Remember: Read carefully the activities, before doing them (llegeix les activitats amb atenció abans de fer-les) You can also use the translator if you need to search for a New Word! (També podeu utilitzar el traductor si necessiteu buscar alguna New Word!)

Video for exercice numer 1:

Enjoy it … Natalia 🙂

1 comentari

  1. Fares Ahmed

    Hello Natalia,
      1.-Listen the story and complet the phrases with the words inthe box. (Escolta la història icompleta les frases amb la paraules del requadre):  

    Weak, Superhero High, puts, seven, class, puts  
      His cousin’s new school is called  Superhero high. 
    She puts her uniform on.
      Brad is holding three pens. 
    The first class is ‘How to get dressed and undressed in a telephonebox’. true  
    Mr Kent is very strong.

    2.-Match each word with thepicture. (Relaciona cada paraula ambla imatge )


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