English Activities 4th and 5th Grade : Imagine Song

Good morning everybody, how are you today? I hope you are fine. I miss you and I hope we can return as soon as possible 🙂 
(Bon dia a tothom, com esteu avui? Espero que esteu bé. Us trobo a faltar i espero que puguem tornar tan aviat com sigui possible!)


Here you have a song by the famous British singer John Lennon that sing some boys and girls from different cultures. Listen it carefully and then look at the sheet below.
(Aquí teniu una cançó del famós cantant britànic John Lennon que canten alguns nens i nenes de diferent cultures. Escolteu-la acuradament i després mireu el full que teniu a sota).


Activitat proposada, cliqueu a sobre i apareix un enllaç:

Imagine all the people



                     Good Luck!!!! , Natalia


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