Fruit skewers!

During last Wednesday and Thursday mornings, we elaborated our own fruit skewers!

Thus, we used different fruits that we bought at the local market, such as bananas, strawberries, apples and mandarines.

Finally, we dipped them in melted chocolate.

They were delicious!


P3 students sing the carol: Ring the bells

Hello everybody! This month we have been learning about Christmas. We love music, so students of P3 have learnt the “Ring the bells” carol. They have used jingle bells to performance the song. Have a look at the videos, you can’t miss them! We had a great time singing this song. 🎶🎅🎄


P4 enviem postals de Nadal a Polònia, Grècia i Portugal

Els grups de P4 A i B, dins l’assignatura d’anglès, estem participant en el projecte e-twinning “Make a Christmas wish”. Es tracta d’un treball de col·laboració entre quatre centres escolars europeus de països diferents que pretén fer un intercanvi de les nostres tradicions i cultures mitjançant la llengua anglesa. A través de la seva plataforma virtual, hem presentat la nostra escola i el nostre entorn de Capellades. També hem conegut les escoles: Maleme Primary School i Glayki Primary School de Grècia, l’escola dos Charcos de Portugal i Zespół Szkół w Wysokiej Głogowskiej de Polònia, que ens permet conèixer els seus països, tradicions i cultures.

Aquesta setmana hem escrit postals de Nadal en anglès i en català, desitjant unes bones festes, i hem representat i explicat les nostres tradicions. Hem anat a portar quatre grans sobres amb les nostres postals a correus, per enviar-les a les diferents escoles. A l’oficina ens han explicat com s’envien les cartes, i hem fet moltes preguntes sobre com seran lliurades en els diferents països.

Esperem que els hi arribin ben aviat i que ells puguin conèixer les nostres tradicions,  així com nosaltres estem molt impacients per rebre les seves postals i aprendre de la seva llengua i les seves cultures.

Halloween craft: monster mask!

A finals d’octubre a English hem estat aprenent sobre la festivitat anglesa de Halloween. Hem conegut els seus personatges, hem ballat algunes cançons i fins i tot, hem dut a terme un taller per crear una màscara d’un monstre.

De ben segur que us agradaran molt! 😉

The Haunted Library

As you may know Halloween is near and in order to celebrate such an special occasion, this year fifth and sixth graders wanted to try something new.
We just took part in this Escape Room called THE HAUNTED LIBRARY 🎃🕷🕸(Don’t worry, we did it in separate days and by stable groups). Look at the photos below:

Last week we helped Professor Xavi to prepare the adventure and it took a while. Then this Thursday and Friday we had a really good time solving the puzzles and ending the curse that haunted the school’s library! Some of us acted as players and some other classmates played the role of spooky monsters that made things more interesting… and scarier, indeed! 🦇 🦇 🦇 

But hey, all the teams completed the Escape Room on time so congratulations!!! Good job players and monsters, it’s been so fun.

 (There’s a rumor that later this Friday some teachers also tried a run at the Escape Room. Some people even reported screams, but as far as we know that’s just gossip… hehe)

Have a nice weekend and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 🎃 🎃 🎃

Llegeix més»

Advertisements by 6th grade students

Hello families!!!

We are 6th grade students and we want to explain and show our advertisements. We worked in groups of 4/5 persons and we decided a topic. We looked for information and designed a poster.

We were very lucky because we could use the computers and we had a lot of information. Finally we made an exposition in front of the class, some groups had a power point too.

We invite you to watch the videos. Enjoy!!!

Let’s decorate! 6th grade

We decorated the school, our class and we also went outside the corridors and we did borders and we coloured them. The results were beautiful and nice and we enjoyed doing it.

We coloured a prehistoric man, Aina’s grandfather did the picture and we coloured it.

For the 8th of March we also did a big poster with womens pictures and names.

We drew cave paintings in our class door.

It was a fantastic experience!!

Exposition: All about animals by 5th graders

Hello everybody, this is an exposition about animals that we did last week. Check this fantastic video:

We hope you learn many things and enjoy.
Thank you for your attention!!!

5th grade students

Biologists, Archeologists and Paleontologists

All about Animals by 5th graders

Written by students

Last week we did a project of differents animals.I hope you enjoy our posters. And next week there is one surprise for you: “Oral Expositions!”

The fifth grade reporters