The Haunted Library

As you may know Halloween is near and in order to celebrate such an special occasion, this year fifth and sixth graders wanted to try something new.
We just took part in this Escape Room called THE HAUNTED LIBRARY 🎃🕷🕸(Don’t worry, we did it in separate days and by stable groups). Look at the photos below:

Last week we helped Professor Xavi to prepare the adventure and it took a while. Then this Thursday and Friday we had a really good time solving the puzzles and ending the curse that haunted the school’s library! Some of us acted as players and some other classmates played the role of spooky monsters that made things more interesting… and scarier, indeed! 🦇 🦇 🦇 

But hey, all the teams completed the Escape Room on time so congratulations!!! Good job players and monsters, it’s been so fun.

 (There’s a rumor that later this Friday some teachers also tried a run at the Escape Room. Some people even reported screams, but as far as we know that’s just gossip… hehe)

Have a nice weekend and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 🎃 🎃 🎃


Com ja sabeu el Halloween s’acosta i per tal de celebrar aquesta ocasió tan especial enguany els de cinquè i sisè volíem provar alguna cosa nova.
Hem participat en aquest Escape Room anomenat La biblioteca encantada. (No us preocupeu perquè ho hem fet en dies diferents i per grups bombolla). Mireu les fotos de sota:

La darrera setmana vam ajudar el Xavi a preparar l’aventura, vam trigar una mica. Llavors aquest dijous i divendres ens ho vam passar genial resolent els puzzles i desfent la maledicció que encantava la biblioteca de l’escola! Alguns de nosaltres vam jugar i altres vam fer de monstres per mantenir les coses una mica més interessants… i esfereïdores, per descomptat!

Però ei, tots els equips van completar l’Escape Room a temps així que felicitats!!! Bona feina jugadors i monstres, ha estat molt divertit.

(Corre el rumor que més tard el divendres alguns mestres també van intentar fer l’Escape Room, fins i tot algú va sentir crits, però fins a on sabem tot això només són xafarderies… jeje)

Que tingueu un bon cap de setmana i un feliç Halloween!

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