GEP 2 – Activities


Authorship: Josep Grau (PE teacher) and Patrícia Puebla (English Teacher) and Irene Fenoy (Class Teacher).

Healthy Breakfast Project (Task 1 and tak 2)GEP2_Escola Ramón y Cajal_Healthy Breakfast

Video samples and evidences

Irene Fenoy

Josep Grau

Patricia Puebla

Student-Student 1

Student-Student 2

Student-Student 3

School and context

Ramón y Cajal is a public school which includes infant and primary education. Its mission is to educate and form integrally boys and girls so that they become competent people and have a good level of personal and academic preparation. It also has the objective of creating a participative and motivating environment which ought to ease the integration and implication of all members of the educational community and the functioning of the centre. All that is reflected in the PEC, where is specified that the school has to work so that the education of pupils becomes personalised, integral, affective, and cozy, coeducational and not sexist, socialising and pacific, catalan, solidary and tolerant, plural, participative, committed, communicative and respectful with the physical and natural environment. The school is located in the neighbourhood of the Industrial School in the second ring of the centre of the Terrassa town, in district 1. It is a public school with complexity level B (middle) and it has two lines of levels. The AMPA offers diverse extra-curricular activities and the reception service.

In 2020/2021 academic year, Ramón y Cajal School has 37 teachers including tutors and specialists. There is also a teacher of catholic religion in the center, a technician of Infant Education and the figure of a watchman. The personal of administration and services (PAS) which has the center are the official of services, the administrative worker, the cleaning staff and the kitchen staff. Many different specialists from External Services intervene at the school such as psycho-pedagogues, physiotherapist, LIC assessor, speech therapist, one person from the support for the blind people (ONCE) and the nurses from the medical center (CAP).

The socio-economic level of the families of the pupils varies a lot.

In the present, the English language is taught from P3 to 6th cycle and from the 1st to the 6th level of the primary education is also taught the physical education in English.

The evaluation of the English Language is done through direct observation of the teacher and by the level of participation of the pupils. In primary education, the evaluation is done by observation and by continuous evaluation and final exams.


GEP Reflection

  1. Irene Fenoy Romero

After a very strange last year with the arrival of a pandemic and the lock down, we could not finish our GEP project as we would have liked.
This year, despite being a hard course in school and without presential GEP classes, we were able to carry out the implementation of the project that we could not do the year before.
This GEP course, we were able to recall important aspects of the CLIL methodology and deep into other aspects such as Project-based learning and how to design it taking into account from the content to the evaluation, through the main objectives to achieve. We have realized that aspects like language support, assessment and interaction in the classroom, are the key to succeed on by carrying out this kind of projects.
After the implementation of the “Healthy Breakfast” project in the fifth grade, we have been able to observe that ICT tools engage students in a more meaningful way and boys and girls are much more motivated to do an activity; especially in a foreign language. On the other hand, the most difficult aspect for students was to interact in English with both, their classmates and the teacher. Despite of the fear of express themselves in a different language, many of the students successfully said some words in English.
Another key point in this type of project is co-teaching in the classroom. It is very important and very necessary when you want to carry out these activities more manipulative, more competent or using ICT tools, that there can be two teachers in the classroom for optimal learning.

2. Patricia Puebla Madrid

This second year of GEP has been completely different from the first year, because of all the current circumstances. Next, I am going to expose you all the positive and less positive aspects after finishing GEP’s second year.

To begin with, I would like to point out that it has been a shame not being able to continue doing the training in person. Last year, I could learn a lot of things in a practical and dynamic way and sharing experiences with the other schools’ collegues. Whereas the current online course has been heavy because of the amount of work. I have lacked a more direct contact with the trainers and a more hands-on based learning and sharing experiences with the other teachers. That does not mean that we have not learned things, of course we did. We’ve learnt all refered to the Project-based learning, how to take into account the evaluation, the importance of language support and the interaction in the classroom. All of this new learnings are reflected in our project and will also be introduced in our daily lessons to improve our teaching.

Meanwhile, this year we have been able to implement our project and it has been a great experience. The students have enjoyed a lot with the new type of activities and they were actively involved during all the process. Refering to the use of the ICT tools, this year we had less problems. We had smaller groups because of the COVID conditions and this situation has helped us to organize the sessions with the ICT materials.

Furthermore, after the implementation of the «Healthy Breakfast» project in which most of the work has been done in group-work, I have realized the great difficulty that my students have to work in groups. They are not used to do it and they have had problems organizing themselves, reaching agreements and carrying out each one their role in the group. I gather from this situation, that our students need to work more by groups and do it in early ages.

To end up with it, say that to work in this type of projects it is very important to do co-teaching to make the complete project more competent and powerful for our students. 

3. Josep Grau Armengol

My experience with GEP 2 is positive and very useful. This GEP 2 course continues with the knowledge acquired from the last academic year, delving into interesting content, showing new strategies and different ways of teaching. It has helped me to learn different resources, materials and how to implement them while teaching to our students.
On the other hand, this second GEP course has gone through a pandemic/corona virus context, that  means that all participants and teachers of the course have had the need to adapt and follow the learning process in a different way, making it sometimes more challenging because the interaction with other classmates and teachers havent been fluent all the time. In my opinion this has negatively influenced to all the process.
Our experience working with the Healthy Breakfast Project has been a great opportunity to implement the learnings and knowledge that we had learn in the GEP courses with our students. It has been really useful and I’m totally sure that our students love them.
This is the beginning of a new english experience in Ramón y Cajal School. We are delighted to implement this kind of projects especially because we can see that it has great outcomes.