CFA Lloreda has organized its first journey abroad. A group of 28 students from levels 1, 2 and 3 and from the speaking lessons have been to London with two teachers. We have spent three days there (16th-18th March). Sightseeing has been our major activity: Big Ben, London Eye, London bridges and squares, Camden Town…. We have also spent very good moments getting to know the members of the groups we didn’t usually have contact with. And, very important, we have
practised the language we are learning in a real context.
We cannot finish these lines without mentioning the typical British weather. Has it rained? Yes, a few showers, but we have also had some sunshine and we’ve been able to follow our schedule. What about the food and the accomodation? Better than expected!
To sum up, it’s been a wonderful experience, with loads of culture, learning,comp anionship and …LAUGH!

19 comentaris

  1. Rosa jiménez

    Gracias, creo que está todo dicho. Profes, habéis puesto el corazón y la ilusión en organizar el viaje y por eso ha salido todo de,10, (con sus anécdotas y 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ por las calles de Londres 🤣🤣).

  2. Rosa Ancelina

    Que bello el video q montaron profes. Me encanto este viaje . Muchas anécdotas, vivencias y un gran maratón con nuestras lenguas ( con todo el cariño)de fuego a la cabeza . ME SENTÍ EN EL COLEGIO . MUCHAS GRACIAS

  3. Rosario Rubio

    this is an amazing video with some beautiful views and very kind , friendly people
    Thank you very much for these wonderful days

  4. Manuel Caro

    CFA Lloreda podrá montar una agencia de viaje y ya tengo el título de la agencia ” Carros de Fuego ” , 😂😂😂. Ahora en serio, el vídeo me ha emocionado. Gracias por todo 🤗.

  5. Núria Farrera

    Fins avui no havia vist el vídeo amb tranquil·litat. Quines dentetes!
    Se us veu passant-ho bé i gaudint de tot el que anàveu coneixent.
    Gràcies per aquest reportatge tan simpàtic i eloqüent.
    Ara, a continuar aprenent l’anglès!!!

  6. Eva Ges i Torelló

    Quines imatges més xules! LONDON is FANTASTIC!
    Un vídeo molt divertit, emotiu i un record “for ever”!
    Moltíssimes felicitats per tota la feina feta, per la iniciativa i per aquest gran VIATGE!
    M’ encanta! A seguir!


    Wow! Nice to hear that CFA Lloreda organise a visit to countries like London. With the smiles on your faces, it shows you all enjoyed the journey. You all look amazing and the places are very beautiful.

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