Dublin trip

2nd Journey Abroad (10th-14th April 2024)
Ireland this time. A group of 28 students and 2 teachers  spent four days in Dublin.We  also visited Northern Ireland (the Giant’s Causeway and Belfast).
Everybody  enjoyed the beautiful landscape, the urban architecture and the friendly smile of Dubliners, not to… Llegeix més»

Speaking Point

Les classes d’Speaking són un espai que ofereix l’escola CFA Lloreda per parlar anglès. Un espai per aprendre, per  perdre la vergonya de parlar anglès.

La metodologia que s’utilitza a les classes és l’aprenentatge mitjançant dinàmiques participatives, jocs i activitats de caràcter lúdic-educatiu.  A través… Llegeix més»

My favourite city

V edició del programa “L’Ascensor” a Ràdio Lloreda.
English students recommend us cities to visit.
They explain us some details about their favourite cities: the main places, best season to be visited, and what we can do in these cities.
Group 1

Group 2

Scottish Dances

This year we have studied some features of Scottish dances origin, tradition and related vocabulary. David Vivanco has come to our school to put Scottish dances into practice. We have danced, learned stories and listened to Scottish music thanks to him.
We hope you enjoy the… Llegeix més»

Magic in English

Magic Stigman has performed a great magic show in CFA Lloreda. We have had an amazing afternoon with him. We have enjoyed an incredible English magic show.
We have learned that everything can be possible, nothing is impossible. We have been astonished by his sleight… Llegeix més»

Marató de Ràdio a Badalona

IV programa del programa “L’Ascensor” a Ràdio Lloreda.

Els alumnes d’anglès han participat a la “XI Marató de Ràdio” de Badalona. Han fet un “Podcast” explicant quins eren els seus
gustos literaris i musicals  i recomanant-ne obres.
Podeu seguir la Marató en aquest enllaç  Llegeix més»