Magic in English

Magic Stigman has performed a great magic show in CFA Lloreda. We have had an amazing afternoon with him. We have enjoyed an incredible English magic show.

We have learned that everything can be possible, nothing is impossible. We have been astonished by his sleight of hand, amazing juggling and all his magic tricks. We have participated and enjoyed a show full of magic.

Thank you very much “Mag Stigman”. We hope to see you soon.


4 comentaris

  1. Aroa Rosa Salmeron

    I loved the show. It was a lot of fun and it also made me understand much, everything, I really enjoyed it.

  2. Encarna, de inglés 2.

    Guauu, vaya video bonito. Me gustó mucho el show y me gustó la buena disposición de todos en pasarlo bien. Deberiamos repetirlo más veces, es un anticobi .

  3. Encarna Heredia Martin

    Mr.Mag Stigman hauria de tornar una altre vegada, sembla que necessitem riure amb la seva magia i amb el seu bon humor

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