What are you wearing today? 3rd and 4rh grade

In this unit we are going to talk about clothes. Remember! The activities are like a menu. You choose the ones you like.

Here we can play a game about clothes. You find the right outfit for Teddy and you describe him with a sentence. For example: he is wearing a woolly hat, a black jumper and black trousers. Go to the link: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/es/games/teddy-dresser

Let’s continue talking about clothes. Here you have a game to put clothes items into practice.




Here you have a worksheet about clothes


We have an online about clothes and body parts




You can watch a very famous story about ‘The emperor’s new clothes’. It is about a proud emperor who looks for the best clothes ever. The problem comes out when two liars hear the news. Oh no! Are they going to make new clothes for the emperor?




In the next videos you can listen to funny songs:

 Clothes wordsearch


 Tricky question: which words have a different name for British English?

Here you have a more difficult wordsearch where you will find out different adjectives related to clothes.


Here you can see different pictures about monsters. You can cut out the cards and play different games.

If you like board games, prepare the die and you follow the instructions or set your own rules. It is important you try to guess the English name for each item of clothing. Use a dictionary.

This is a board game provided by ESL collective.

Interactions are as follows:

Student A: Do you have a leather jacket?

Student B: Yes, I do. (Student B gives card to student A and student A gets a

Here you have some ideas to work at home. You can draw the clothes you have in your wardrobe and try to find which clothing items your family members have.

Ask your brother or sister: what are you wearing today?



Extra-writing activity: you look for a famous character from a magazine, you stick the picture on a paper and you write the body parts. You can also describe him or her.


In the wardrobe there is a pair of yellow shoes. There are two handbags and two hats. Choose a colour for them and continue the description.

If you like art you can also create a puppet with different clothes with the materials you have at home. Here you have some ideas which you can adapt according to the materials you have at home.


How many pairs of socks have you got? We can make a puppet out of a sock.


You can make a stick puppet following the instructions from the video. The example is very simple so I would like you to make a puppet with the whole body (with arms and legs). Be original!


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