Photos and jobs 3rd and 4th

First of all, let’s look at the pictures you have sent to me this week.


Secondly, let’s continue with a lesson about jobs.

There are different songs we can sing related to the topic: 

Which jobs do appear in the different songs?


We can do different games with the flashcards: memory, shooter


Let’s watch a video about jobs: Steve and Maggie. Which jobs appear in the video?

You can play a bingo game with the jobs. in this webpage every time you Click on the link you will get a new template.

Here you have the vocabulary list Jobs and Occupations Bingo Vocabulary List:

actor, artist, architect, astronaut, athlete, chef, construction worker, dancer, dentist, doctor, diver, farmer, firefighter, flight attendant, mail carrier, mechanic, photographer, pilot, reporter, police officer, singer, soldier, taxi driver, teacher.

What would you like to be when you grow up? Please complete this worksheet and choose the job you find more interesting.

While you don’t play a mime game with your family?


Let’s see if you can find all the words you have in this wordsearch. You have two different ones. Which one do you find easier? Have you found all the words?


This is a very easy worksheet to write some jobs and to see if you can match the words with the pictures. This is the link: 


Let’s see if you can guess the riddles: who am I?


I drive a taxi.

I work in a hospital and I’m not a nurse. I help sick people.

I put out fire. I drive a fire-engine.

I control the traffic, I wear a uniform and I drive a police car.

I take care of animals. I’m a doctor for them.

I sing song and I make concerts.


You can also create your own riddles:


If you want more riddles, here you have a worksheet where you have to match the jobs with the descriptions:


 Are you ready for a quiz?


This is an extra-writing activities which is a little bit difficult in order to describe jobs.


Extra activity which is very difficult. It is recommended for fourth grade.

If you want to draw different jobs, click here:

Do you want to be an artist? Make something original like this artist!

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