More photos and Saint George 3rd and 4th

Before starting with the lesson I want to share some photos and videos. Thanks a lot! Look! Oriana, Jana and Alba are painting the clown and Felipe is showing us a wonderful drawing. Marcos has made a wonderful puppet.


This week we are going to celebrate Saint George. 

SaInt George ????

Do you know the story? Saint George is very famous in Great Britain too. Let’s see if you can find the differences between the two legends.

Here you can make some activities from the story.

To check if it is right, click the solutions.

In order to compare you should watch now the Catalan version.

Now complete this grid. Put a tick in the right box.

For more activities like mazes and pictures to colour click here.


If you enjoy the topic, you can also play online games. 


The first one consist of matching words with pictures.

Another one is a story with a vocabulary grid to study.

Now, I’m going to suggest some ideas to make some crafts related to the topic.

In this activity you can make an egg cartoon puppet.


Another possibility to make a dragon is this one:

If you prefer to make a rose, watch another video. Remember you can make a rose with any material you have at home.

In Saint George day Here in Catalonia is typical to give each other books and roses. Everyone chooses a book, so here you will have an opportunity to create your own book mark. As always you can follow the models or you can create new ones.


If you want to see more stories about dragons, just look.


The hungry dragon


The princess and the dragon


Creating stories, puppets and theatre. If you still want more activities, continue reading.


Do you like creating stories? If you click this link, you can make fairy, horror, an adventure, a fantasy or a detective story.


 You can make different choices as you can see in the picture.

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