Posem en marxa l’hort de l’escola

Ja fa uns dies que hem començat l’escola i jugant al patí hem vist que el nostre hort estava molt sec. Els alumnes d’I5 hem començat a treballar l’hort de l’escola i hem decidit que hi volíem plantar bròquils, enciams i pastanagues. Però…sabíem com plantar-ho?

Vam decidir demanar ajuda a unes persones expertes i el divendres 7 d’octubre vam rebre una visita molt especial a l’escola. Ens va visitar l’Antonio, el padrí de la Mariona d’I5, i un amic seu, el Francisco. Gràcies a la seva ajuda, els alumnes d’I4 i I5 vam aprendre a utilitzar els estris de l’hort i ens van ensenyar a plantar. Ens ho vam passar d’allò més bé i també ens van fer riure.

Vam plantar bròquils, escarola, pastanagues i api.  Ara esperarem que tot creixi!

Voleu veure com ho vam fer? Feu clic aquí!


We started school a few days ago and playing in the playground we have seen that our orchard was dry. The pupils from I5 have started working the school orchard and we have decided we wanted to plant broccoli, lettuce and carrots. But…did we know how to do it?

We decided to ask experts for help and the last Friday the 7th of October we received a very special visit in our school. We received the visit of Antonio, Mariona’s grandpa from I5, and a friend of him, Francisco. Thanks to their help, the pupils from I4 and I5 learned how to use some gardening tools and they thaught us how to plant. We had a lot of fun and they made us laugh.

We planted broccoli, escarole, carrots and celery. Now we are waiting for them to grow!

Do you want to see how we did it? Click here!

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