A la nostra escola creiem que cal descobrir i treballar les emocions per al desenvolupament integral dels nostres infants des de ben petits. Les emocions són molt importants i les treballem a tota l’Etapa Infantil, al llarg del curs, a partir del Projecte Descobrim les emocions.

En diferents racons de l’escola anem penjant murals sobre les emocions que descobrim i treballem.

Per veure les primeres activitats, podeu clicar a la imatge.


At our school we believe that we need to discover and work on emotions for the comprehensive development of our children from an early age. Emotions are very important and we work on them during the preschool stage, all the school course long, from the project “Let’s discover emotions”.

In different corners of the school we are hanging murals about the emotions we’ve discovered and worked on.

To see the first activities, you can click on the picture.

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