Com cada curs, el segon trimestre acaba de la manera més dolça possible. D’aquesta manera, aquest dijous i divendres els alumnes de P3 fins a 4t han elaborat un total del 16 mones delicioses, que el divendres a la tarda han compartit amb els alumnes de Cicle Superior, en una super berenada al pati de l’escola.

As every year, the end of the second term is full of sweetness. In this way, during Thursday and Friday, pupils from P3 to 4th grade were making sixteen delicious Easter cakes. On Friday afternoon, they shared their cakes with 5th and 6th grade pupils and all together they had a great afternoon snack in the school playground.

Si voleu veure què xules i apetitoses han quedat, cliqueu a la imatge:

Their Easter cakes look very very appetizing! You can check it by clicking on the following picture!


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