Primers dies a P3

Hola famílies,

Us volem compartir algunes de les fotos que hem fet aquestes setmanes a P3. Ha estat un començament de curs, diferent, especial, però molt emocionant, carregat de moltes ganes de jugar i passar-ho bé. Hem gaudit escoltant contes, ballant, compartint estones de joc, de relaxació, descobertes al pati i un munt d’activitats més.

Bateau Lune | Turu, Frases para el aula, Frases de educacion





Ha vingut la castanyera!!!

Aquesta tarda, a la nostra escola, ha arribat la castanyera. Ella ens ha portat les castanyes que nenes i nens de la nostra escola menjarem demà a la tarda.

La castanyera ha visitat tots els cursos d’educació infantil P3, P4 i P5 com també de cicle inicial 1r i 2n.

Agraïm la col·laboració de l’Ampa de l’escola per oferir-nos aquest any el pagament de les castanyes i ajudar-nos a tirar endavant la festa tot i les circumstàncies especials que ens toca viure a totes i tots plegats.



Online activities for this summer

Hello students!

This course has finished and now it’s time for your summer holidays. If during these days you want to enjoy and review English  we have come with different online resources you can use to practice this language! There are websites where you will find online games, arts & crafts, movies suggestions, readings, etc. Choose whatever activity you like the most and you want to do.

For the little ones (Infantil and Cicle Inicial):

  • Games:

  • In this website you can find lots of activities, songs that we have learned during the year and also some recipes to do with the kids: 

  • More videos and songs:

For the older ones (Cicle Mitjà and Cicle Superior):

  • Games:

  • Short stories:

  • Arts and crafts:

Choose the one that you like the most!

  • Movies you can watch in English (you can add subtitles if needed):

The emoji movie, Maleficent, Coco, Peter Rabbit, The little prince, Beauty and the beast, The bee movie, Hotel for dogs, The Addams family, Inside Out and Aladdin,

Or any other movie you would like to watch!

For all the levels:

  • Here you will find games, listenings, grammar activities, readings, etc: 

  • Koalatext is a website where you can choose your activities by your grade and find readings, listenings and games according to your level: 

  • In these websites you will find online games in English:

  • If you want an activity book to review content that we have worked at school we suggest you the following ones:

We hope you all have a very fun summer time and we look forward to start back and see you in September!

Your English teachers