Literari. Etwinning

Description: Students will first write a description of some teachers at our school and draw a picture. Afterwards, they will be recorded while reading the descriptions, to create a video with
Aims: Our aim is to improve our students’ communication skills in the target language and to put in practice communicative strategies.
4th graders
We are the 4th graders is Escola Montsant in Reus. We have described some of our teachers. All our teachers are GREAT!!
Description: Students will write letters to each other and introduce themselves,their schools,cities and culture.
Aims: Our aim is to improve our students’ communication skills in the target language and learn other cultures,use our students’ imagination in reading ,speaking ,writing skills.
Our 5th graders pen pal friends have already received our letters! After a very long journey, they finally got there!! They are very happy!!
Now, we will have to wait for their answers. But this will be after the Christmas holidays!
During these holidays we have received a big envelope from Turkey full of letters for the students in 5è! They are so happy!!
6th graders from Montsant School wishing a nice summer holidays (2019)