eTwinning 6th grade

Hi again! This month we have been working on different activities: we had to choose a name for our international group, and it had to be an object or an item related to history or archaeology. So we had to be original! Once we had decided what name we liked, the teachers created a poll with the different options, and we had to vote our favourite one. We will soon get the results!

The other activity was about coordinates. We learnt what latitude, longitude, the Equator and the Prime Meridian are. We also learnt how to use Google Earth. Right now we are trying to find some places and monuments all around Europe using this tool. We just love it!

eTwinning 6è

Hello! We came back from the holidays full of energy! We played a quiz about our schools, and with the correct questions, we got the numbers for a code to open a safe and win the quiz. Then we went to the Forum and each of us wrote about what we liked the most about the other schools. It was a nice writing activity. And we watched a video about eSafety and Netiquette to make sure we use the Internet correctly. We talked about it and decided on the right things to do.

Ràdio Annexa: Emissió del 2 de desembre


Hola companys i companyes,

Una setmana més arriba el nostre programa de ràdio. Aquesta setmana els encarregats de realitzar el guió han estat els alumnes de sisè de la classe dels Guionistes.

Hem tingut com a curs convidat uns alumnes de cicle 2 que ens han parlat de Charles Darwin.

A  l’English Corner uns alumnes de cicle 3 ens han parlat de la predicció del temps pel cap de setmana.

Tot plegat ha estat amenitzat per una selecció de cançons de pop-rock anglès.

Esperem que us agradi!


eTwinning 6th grade


This month we have been doing several activities for our eTwinning project:  we recorded a video where we described different parts of our school, we wrote 5 questions about the video for a breakout, we guessed the name of our project through an online game, we recorded a video where we introduced ourselves and we played the breakout about the different schools.