«Looking for the little Prince» és un projecte en llengua anglesa que es porta a terme amb un grup d’alumnes de 4t d’ESO. En aquest projecte hi participen 8 instituts de diferents regions de Turquia, Romania i l’Institut de Caldes.

Durant el projecte llegirem i treballarem el llibre «The little Prince», farem activitats que ens ajudaran a descobrir noves cultures i maneres de viure amb l’ajuda de les noves tecnologies.

En aquesta pàgina web anirem penjant les diferents activitats fetes pels alumnes de l’institut.

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lntroduction to the project

In our changing world, moral values have altered, and quite often competitiveness wins over kindness, career goals win over friendships, and our overtechnologized society wins over simplicity and purity.

The Little Prince is the purified version of all of us, the silent rebel against people’s chase after false values. By getting back to the roots, we hope to give the students the chance to have an alternative vision of values that might make them adults who are able to see beyond the visible and measurable, sensitive to the needs of others and willing to set out on a journey of self- discovery.
Students will discover and analyse life- lessons taught by the characters of the story, will create stories with similar moral messages, will create an audio book in multiple languages, will follow the prince around the world, by identifying people who live in the spirit of the Little Prince, and finally they will create an art exhibition and follow-ups of the story of the Little Prince.

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