It is a fact that we live in a multicultural society where managing different languages and skills is a must. That is why INS El Cairat wants to give students the necessary tools to be competent in this society.

During school year 2015-16 our school was involved in the GEP project  (Grup Experimental Plurilingüe) fostered by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The aim of the project was to teach other subjects in foreign languages (mainly English) in order to improve the English level of the students. These subjects were “Computer Science” and “Let’s Speak Music”.

We continued with such an appealing project during 2016-17 and we increased the number of students who took part in the project with subjects such as Computer Science, Social Sciences and two optional subjects in English among other small projects within the regular classes.

And during this course (2017-18) the school continues offering a range of activities within the classes using English as a means of communication in order to prepare our students for the future. That is why this is the fourth year we offer extracurricular lessons to prepare our students for different official exams with an international recognition such as the Cambridge First Certificate in English (we are a Cambridge Preparation Centre) or DELF for French.

If you want to know more about this project, have a look at some of our everyday activities.

Entre les diferents activitats que es treballen des de l’institut per potenciar les llengües, destaquem:

Matèries optatives de francès i alemany a l’ESO.

Preparació per les proves oficials FIRST i DELF a 4tESO. 

Women writers’ week

Today with Batxillerat students we looked into a well famous writer who said this:

It is not singular that, as the daughter of two persons of distinguished literary celebrity, I should very early in life have thought of writing.’

Basically known for creating one of the worst creature ever seen until that moment : Dr. Frankenstein.

We are talking about: Mary Shelley and her famous novel Frankenstein

Women writers’ week

For this special week dedicated to women, we have ‘invited’ some of the many female British and American writers to our classes in order to discover their great talents.

We start today with a world famous author, however, we won’t reveal her name until you read the clues and try to find out yourselves.

Although there are a lot fans of the Harry Potter films among our students, not all of them knew that these films were based on books or that the author of these incredibly popular books is a woman. Do you know who we’re talking about?

You guessed right! It’s JK Rowling.

Apprendre en découvrant le monde

Hier, les élèves de français de 1er, 2ème, 3ème et 4ème d’ESO sont allés voir tous ensemble  l’adaptation du roman « Le Tour du monde en 80 jours ». La représentation a été jouée par la compagnie de théâtre « Voilà ! ». Nos étudiants se sont amusés et appris au même temps.  Nous espérons que nous pourrons répéter l’expérience l’année prochaine .

Concurs literari i fotogràfic Sant Jordi 2018

Concurs literari i fotogràfic Sant Jordi 2018
Participa amb les teves creacions.

Recordeu que aquest divendres 6 d’abril és el darrer dia per a presentar les vostres creacions literàries (en català, castellà, anglès o francès), o bé amb les fotografies matemàtiques.

També podeu presentar els vostres relats històrics o fotografies històriques fins el 13 d’abril.

Animeu-vos a participar-hi!

Cliqueu en les següents imatges per llegir les bases:



2nd of Batxillerat students were inspired by the pictures of exceptional women to make up amazing biographies. Then they had the opportunity to find out who these women really were and to add names to the infinite list of inspiring women.