Institut Els Planells has joined eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe.

This year Els Planell Secondary School has started two international projects with students of 2nd and 3rd ESO within the eTwinning programme that they are going to carry out during the second and third term.

The programme eTwinning offers a platform in which schools from European countries can communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and feel part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. eTwinning is co-funded by the Erasmus+, the European programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport.

One of the most important elements of this programme is collaboration among teachers, students, schools, parents, and local authorities. In eTwinning teachers work together and organise activities for their students, while students have an active role, interact, investigate, make decisions, respect each other and learn 21st century skills.

If you want to know more details about the projects that we are carrying out this year follow the links below.

2021-22 eTwinning PROJECTS 

2nd ESO – Love and poetry

3rd ESO –  Let’s build the Eutopian 2050 smart city

Segell de Qualitat Europeu per al projecte eTwinning “Let’s build the 2050 EUtopian smart city”

L’INS Els Planells rep el Segell de Qualitat Europeu (SQE) pel projecte eTwinning “Let’s build the 2050 EUtopian smart city” realitzat durant el curs 2021-2022 per l’alumnat de 3r d’ESO, dirigit per les professores Eva Vidal i Carme Pascual. Felicitats a tots els participants… Llegeix més»

Getting to work on our new project “Let’s build the 2050 EUtopian smart city. We are a great team!


This month the 3rd of ESO students have started the project “Let’s build the EUtopian 2050 smart city! They are going to carry it out in the English and Technology classes, so it is an interdisciplinary project. What’s more! it is collaborative because they… Llegeix més»