Getting to work on our new project “Let’s build the 2050 EUtopian smart city. We are a great team!


This month the 3rd of ESO students have started the project “Let’s build the EUtopian 2050 smart city! They are going to carry it out in the English and Technology classes, so it is an interdisciplinary project. What’s more! it is collaborative because they won’t be alone in this; they are going to work together with schools from France, Italy, Croatia, Turkey and Spain. That motivates them a lot! We are all convinced it is a great opportunity to use the English language as a means of communication, isn’t it?

They have started by designing their own avatars with Bitmoji. Next they have introduced themselves on this padlet.









Then they have also described their high school, their town and their country. Below you can see the final version of our presentation. Do you like it?


Besides, yesterday we had our first online meeting! We presented live our high school, our town and our country. Finally we played kahoot to learn more about our teammates. It was great fun!

First Students Meeting from Deneuville Tiphaine on Vimeo.

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