Reflecting on eSafety and on what a smart city is

These last two weeks in the English class the 3rd of ESO students have been talking about eSafety and what they should do and shouldn’t do on the Internet. Now we have a lot of friends from abroad thanks to this project and we should be aware of what we share online.  So, in groups we created some posters. Do you want to see the result? Then watch this video.

Besides, we have also been analyzing two different concepts: the concept of what we think it is an ideal or perfect city versus the concept of “smart city” and we have reached the conclusion that, like us, every smart city dreams of improving the quality of life of its inhabitants while respecting the enviroment. After doing some research on what has been done so far in Barcelona (our nearest big city) to make the city smarter, we have been noting down some ideas that we will try to include in our future EUtopian smart city.


We are eager to learn more about smart cities!😉😍

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