Computer science subject: as usual a lot of information in English. Using it and sharing it!

In our Institute Antoni Cumella, the GEP Project —Generació Plurilingüe (GEP): aprendre llengües estrangeres a través de les matèries— is particularly important for us. In the computer science subject we have been working with different image design tools. As usual, many tutorials and documents related to this subject are in English. In this activity, students are working with an online application called Piktochart. Students 

To do the activity, students must choose and follow 5 Piktochart tutorials. Before that, we had an interesting discussion in the classroom. We started talking about the activity and Piktochart tutorials, but we covered different “IT” related topics. The conversation about different social networks (Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp) and how are they now connected was especially interesting. As we discussed, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp belong to the same company and everything that we say in WhatsApp can “go” to Facebook, which can be used, for example, for targetted advertisements. Students talked about that in English and all of them agreed that Facebook is a “Boomer” network.

During our discussion, every time that we needed or introduced a new word, we wrote that word on the blackboard to create a “new words topic related list”.

It was a very dynamic conversation. Currently, in this subject (Computer science) we only have half of the group at the classroom (12 people), this way all of them can talk and participate several times in the conversation.