Sobre la violència masclista

El Dia Internacional per l’Eliminació de la Violència Masclista va ser un abona ocasió per saber l’opinió del nostre alumnat sobre de desigualtats i les actituds que en encara hem de millorar en la nostra societat del s. XXI.

Aquí teniu algunes respostes interessants dels grups de 1r d’ESO i 1r de Batx. a la pregunta:

Why do you think violence against women still exists nowadays?

Badra: This happens due to roles established for years.

Íngrid: People should be free and no one is above others.

Gerard: There are men who still believe they are superior. There are countries where for religion or education men have different rights than women.

Ruth: People say that men are stronger than women, and women are more sensitive than men. And this is not true.

Júlia: There are still men that want women to depend on them.

Sebas: Some men don’t know another way to resolve their problems and they use their strength causing a lot of damage to women.

Agnes: The problem increases if society makes men think they are superior.

Saliou: Violence is an expression of an unequal power relationship between men and women.

Núria: Some people don’t consider women as important as men.

Sergi i Albert, Youssef: Society thinks that women are inferior to men in terms of power.

Ksenia i Mireia: Some men turn a blind eye to the consequences of the small details of their behavior.

Mariona i Jèssica: The established community rules can be another cause of violence because they provide a higher status to men.

Aiman i Toni: The main cause is the patriarchal system. It excludes women’s rights giving more emphasis on the men’s.

Martina i Marina: Society expects men to be stronger and more powerful than women, so they feel they are the leaders of their relationship with women.

#ComissióLila #EstemCanviant #English #CriticalThinking #CulturaiValors

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