eTwinning project: We introduce ourselves

To introduce ourselves to the rest of the students that participate in our project, we have created our own avatars using the Avatar Maker Pixton. Once our avatars were created, we introduced ourselves by explaining things about ourselves. You can find our presentations in a Padlet where the students from the other schools will access in order to know who we are.

If you click on the image below, you will access the Padlets we have created:

Per tal de donar-nos a conèixer a la resta d’alumnes de les escoles que participen al nostre projecte ens hem creat els nostres propis avatars utilitzant el programa  Pixton. Un cop creats els nostres avatars ens hem presentat explicant coses sobre nosaltres. Hem recollit totes les nostres presentacions en un Padlet al qual podran accedir els nens i nenes de les altres escoles per tal de saber qui som.

Si cliqueu a la imatge podreu accedir als Padlets que hem creat:

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