In this way we started one more English Day in Mestral school. This edition was about talents because we think EVERYBODY IS TALENTED, that’s why we carried out different activities to find our talent.

  • The first workshop was “COOKING” a pintxo with many ingredients, we decorated the plate and we ate it! It was delicious!
  • The second activity was the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS contest, in which we tried to break some records such as make a lego tower, stack glasses into a pyramid, sort jellybeans using chopsticks or throw paper aircrafts in a basket, they gave their most!
  • In the third activity children tried to remember everything learnt by playing the PASSWORD game, trying to identify the word by a definition given, they did it really well!
  • In the afternoon they became detectives who solved some cases in groups and finally we all danced in the playground the song that accompained us during all English day.

The little ones had the pleasure of listening to a tale told by Conxita, the teacher who worked in the school for many many years. Special thanks to Conxita for always coming and spending time with us!

It was such a funny day!!!

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