Arts & Crafts 3r Term

This 3rd term in A&C our 5th and 6th graders have been dealing with different techniques and art productions. That is, in 5th grade they have learnt about life drawing, important museums around the world, Op Art, Photography and Recycled Art. In 6th grade they also have learnt much about creative photography, types of lines using square and bevel, 2D and 3 D geometry, the human body…and so on.

Look this video!

From 2019 until 2022 Mas Prats English teachers have been trained in the GEP programme. We have made throughout that period two projects (PBL1 and PBL2).
With the great help of our pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th grade they have learnt much Arts & Crafts contents and finally, they have finished them showing and sharing a final product.

Here you can see some evidences. We hope you like them.

Photos 6h grade                   Photos  5th grade                            Photos 4th grade

Enjoy them!

Festa de l’Ampa

Avui hem gaudit de la gran FESTA de l’AMPA!!!

Amb circ, taller de malabarismes, jocs tradicionals, espectacle de màgia, conte d’en Brum, zumba, dansa del ventre, làser tag, globoflèxia i molt més!!!

Molt agraïts del dia d’avui i molts agraïts a la tasca que dia a dia porta a terme la nostra estimada AMPA.

Gràcies a tots i totes els que d’una manera o altra han ajudat a que la festa sigui un èxit: famílies, voluntaris/es, …

Concert alumnes de l’escola

Aprofitant aquests últims dies de curs, en Youssef Becerra ( guitarra elèctrica), en Pedro Becerra ( bateria), en Pau Taubina (bateria) l’Àlex Ferrer( bateria) i la Laia Vives (violí) han volgut gaudir i fer gaudir de la música en directe a tots/es els/les alumnes de l’escola!!

Ens han fet disfrutar d’un gran i bon moment 😊
Us estem molt agraïts. Moltes gràcies i continueu estimant la música 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Arts & Crafts 2nd Term

Aquí teniu publicat un recull d’activitats desenvolupades durant el segon trimestre de 4t a 6è de Primària a les sessions d’Arts & Crafts. Algunes de les quals són del projecte GEP (Generació Plurilingüe). El producte final del qual l’anireu veient a les parets exteriors de l’escola.

We have involved GEP project with our students in arts & crafts with Dali, Picasso and Yoyoi Kusama. This project was designed last course and has been worked between the first and the second term. During four sessions different kinds of activities have been displayed in cooperatives groups in the 4th, 5th and 6th grade.

This projects doesn’t finish here in the classrooms but It is going to continue: our final product is a mural with one of the best well-know paints by these three artists.

Look at these photos!!

Portes obertes virtuals

ENS APUNTEM AL FUTUR! Ens acompanyes?

Ens apuntem a la transformació educativa, a una escola inclusiva, amb igualtat d’oportunitats i que potencia les habilitats de totes les nenes i els nens!!

Ens ajudeu a compartir ?