Get to know me! Exploring our favourite singers and songs.

In the 4th-grade English class, we had a lot of fun exploring and sharing our favourite singers and songs.They searched for information on the internet and gave awesome presentations. This kind of activity not only improves their English skills, but also helps them connect and get to know each other. Below you will find a few examples of their diverse tastes:



These are the Learning Stations organized for 2nd graders

(POKEMONS and STUMBLE GUYS) to celebrate Autumn.

  • The aim is to review some vocabulary, language structures…and to improve their oral skills.
  • Topics: Autumn festival: Halloween and Parts of the Body

Pupils are learning and playing at the same time.

We hope you like it!


Aquests son els racons d’Anglès organitzats per a l’alumnat de 2n (POKEMONS i STUMBLE GUYS) per a celebrar la Tardor. 

  • Objectius:  Repassar vocabulari, estructures… i millorar les seves habilitats orals. 
  • Tema: Autumn festival: Halloween i Parts del cos.

Cadascú va poder elegir l’activitat que més li agradava.

Aprenem i juguem al mateix temps.

Esperem que us agradi!

English corners

These are the English Corners we have organised for our 1st graders to review some vocabulary, structures…and to improve their oral skills.

Topics: Colours and Numbers.

Pupils are learning and playing at the same time.

We hope you like it!

Aquests son els racons d’Anglès que hem organitzat per a l’alumnat de primer amb l’objectiu de repassar vocabulari, estructures… i millorar les seves habilitats orals.

Tema: Colors i números

Aprenem i juguem al mateix temps.

Esperem que us agradi!

English games with 6th graders!

A 6è hem treballat les fórmules per poder fer preguntes en anglès i per tal de practicar-les hem jugat al bingo! Amb el joc hem aprofitat per millorar les nostres habilitats de reading and speaking i posar en pràctica aquesta eina tan útil per a la nostra vida i futur. Aprendre jugant és la clau!