ANGLÈS (del 23 al 27 de març)

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Us proposem buscar informació sobre una recepta típicament anglesa: els pancakes. Cerqueu curiositats i tot seguit us animo a elaborar-la juntament amb la família. Podeu fer-vos fotos per tal d’immortalitzar el moment. A continuació us facilitem els ingredients necessaris i els passos a seguir:


    • 1 1/2 cup flour
    • 3 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    • 2 teaspoons butter (melted)
    • 1 1/4 cup milk
    • 1 egg

Steps to make It:

    • Gather the ingredients.
    • In a large mixing bowl, add all dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt). Hollow out a place in the center of the dry ingredients.
    • Melt butter in a microwave-safe container (Set at low power for 20 seconds. It’s OK if it is not completely melted.)
    • Pour the butter, milk, egg, and vanilla in center of dry ingredients.
    • Using an electric mixer, with adult supervision, mix on low until all ingredients are well mixed. Use a spoon to scrape the remaining flour from the side of the bowl.
    • Spray the griddle with cooking spray. Preheat an electric griddle to 300 F. For a stovetop griddle use medium-high heat.
    • Fill a ladle half full with batter and slowly pour it on griddle. Repeat, leaving plenty of space between pancakes for easy flipping. When pancakes are filled with small bubbles, gently slide a spatula under the pancake and flip.
    • Cook for another 30 to 45 seconds and use spatula to lift off the griddle
    • Serve the pancakes with your choice of whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, chocolate sauce, maple syrup, or butter
    • ENJOY!

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