
Dins del Projecte IntersECCions comptem amb la Ingrid, la nostra auxiliar de conversa, 16 hores setmanals.

Us adjuntem la seva presentació amb les tasques que desenvolupa a l’escola.

Hy everyone!!!

My name is Ingrid. I was born and raised in Australia, Queensland. I have lived there most of my life. So that means that I only speak English.

Let me tell you a little about myself; I really like reading and arts and crafts. Also I play sports like netball and cricket (which are very Australian sports). I have been living in Barcelona for a very short time but I think that it is a wonderful city.

The reason why I’m here is to help the students and teachers with there speaking. I’m in the English classes with Marisa and Paula (Science too). I also hang around in the playground so that you can come and talk to me in English and practice. During lunch time I am also in the dining room to help and to teach words about food in English.

I am very glad to be here and I really hope that I can help anyone with anything and that we can improve speaking in English together.



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